DNSPod Acceptable Use Policy
This Acceptable Use Policy (this “AUP”) describes activities that are not allowed in connection with your access to and use of the DNSPod Services. The examples described in this AUP are not exhaustive, and nothing in this AUP is intended to grant any rights or permissions not set forth in, or contrary to, those contained in any other written agreement with Tencent governing your access to or use of the DNSPod Services. We may modify this AUP at any time by posting a revised version on our website. By accessing and using the DNSPod Services, you agree to the latest version of this AUP. If you violate the AUP or authorize or help others to do so, we may suspend or terminate your access to and use of the DNSPod Services. You are responsible for violations of this AUP by anyone using your Tencent Cloud Account with your permission or on an unauthorized basis. Your use of the DNSPod Services to assist another person in an activity that would violate this AUP if performed by you is a violation of the AUP.
This AUP is hereby incorporated into the DNSPod Services Agreement (available at DNSPod Terms of Service ) by this reference. Capitalized but undefined terms herein shall have the meanings ascribed to them in the DNSPod Services Agreement.
Inquiries regarding this AUP must be directed to https://console.cloud.tencent.com/workorder/category.
No Illegal, Harmful, or Offensive Use or Content
You may not use, or encourage, promote, facilitate or instruct others to use, the DNSPod Services for or in connection with any illegal, harmful or offensive purpose, or to host, transmit, store, display, distribute or otherwise make available content that is illegal, harmful, or offensive. Prohibited activities or content include:
● Illegal Activities. Any use of the DNSPod Services in violation of law or in furtherance of illegal activities.
● Fraudulent or Harmful Activities. Activities that may be harmful to others, or our operations or reputation, including offering or disseminating fraudulent goods, services, schemes, or promotions (e.g., make-money-fast schemes, Ponzi and pyramid schemes, phishing, or pharming), impersonating another person or entity, or engaging in other deceptive practices.
● Violation of Intellectual Property Rights. Using the DNSPod Services in a manner that violates or infringes on or misappropriates the intellectual property or proprietary rights of any third party, including without limitation any rights in or to copyright, patent, trademark, trade secret, privacy or publicity, and publishing content intended to assist others in defeating technical measures intended to protect any such rights.
● Offensive Content. Content that is defamatory, obscene, abusive, invasive of privacy, deceptive, pornographic, or otherwise objectionable in any way.
● Harmful Content. Content or other computer technology that may damage, interfere with, surreptitiously intercept, or expropriate any system, program, or data, including viruses, spyware, malware, adware, Trojan horses, worms, cancelbots, zombies, back doors, traps, or time bombs. This includes causing denial of service attacks, port scans, or other invasive procedures against our servers and facilities or the servers and facilities of other network hosts or Internet users.
● Violent, Harassing, or Abusive Content. Publishing, transmitting or storing any content or links to any content that is excessively violent, incites violence, threatens violence, contains harassing content or hate speech, creates a risk to a person’s safety or health, or public safety or health, compromises national security or interferes with an investigation by law enforcement.
● Deceptive Content. Content that is unfair or deceptive under the consumer protection laws of any jurisdiction.
● Controlled Substances. Selling or distributing controlled substances, including but not limited to any illegal or prescription drugs.
No Security Violations
You may not use the DNSPod Services to violate the security or integrity of any network, computer or communications system, software application, network, or computing device (each, a “System”). Prohibited activities include:
● Unauthorized Access. Accessing or using any System without permission, including attempting to probe, scan, or test the vulnerability of a System or to breach any security or authentication measures used by a System.
● Interception. Monitoring of data or traffic on a System without permission.
Vulnerability Testing
You may not attempt to probe, scan, penetrate, or test the vulnerability of a Tencent System, or to breach the Tencent security or authentication measures, whether by passive or intrusive techniques, or conduct any security or malware research on or using the DNSPod Services, without Tencent’s prior written consent.
Excessive Use of Shared System Resources
You may not use any shared System provided by Tencent in a way that unnecessarily interferes with the normal operation of the shared System, or that consumes a disproportionate share of the resources of the System. You agree that we may quarantine or delete any data stored on a shared System if the data is infected with a virus, or is otherwise corrupted, and has the potential to infect or corrupt the System or other users’ data that is stored on the same system.
Our Monitoring and Enforcement
We reserve the right, but do not assume the obligation, to investigate any violation of this AUP, abusive use, or misuse of the DNSPod Services. We may:
● investigate violations of this AUP, abusive use, or misuse of the DNSPod Services;
● remove, disable access to, or modify any content or resource that violates this AUP or any other agreement we have with you for use of the DNSPod Services; or
● report any activity that we suspect violates any law or regulation to appropriate law enforcement officials, regulators, or other appropriate third parties.
Our reporting may include disclosing, reviewing and preserving appropriate customer information. We also may cooperate with appropriate law enforcement agencies, regulators, or other appropriate third parties to help with the investigation and prosecution of illegal conduct by providing network and systems information related to alleged violations of this AUP.
Consequences of Violation of AUP
If we determine that you have violated this AUP, we may suspend or terminate your access to and use of the DNSPod Services. We may intercept or block any content or traffic where the DNSPod Services are being used unlawfully or not in accordance with this AUP. Our right to suspend or terminate your use of the DNSPod Services applies even if a violation is committed unintentionally or without your authorization.
Reporting of Violations of this AUP
If you become aware of any violation of this AUP, you will immediately notify us and provide us with assistance, as requested, to stop, prevent, or remedy the violation. To report any violation of this AUP, please contact us at abuse@dnspod.com.
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